2024 City of Lodi Mayor’s Community Service Award winner!
2024 City of Lodi Mayor’s Community Service Award winner!
The CommUNITY Service Team exists to put God's love into action by bringing people together to serve, educate & support communities.
The CommUNITY Service Team brings people together to serve by instigating, organizing and deploying community service projects with easy pathways forall to serve. The CommUNITY Service Team educates by instigating, organizing and facilitating life skills application, recovery, life group gatherings, occupational and whole-person education. Lastly, the CommUNITY Service Team supports by fundraising and donating all funds raised to where the real needs are and coming up beside effective local nonprofits and service organizations to help them be even more successful and of greater efficiency both operationally and financially.
Over $200,000 donated to Lodi causes
and over 6,500 volunteers served.
“I believe each of us plays a crucial role in fostering unity and purpose within the Lodi community. It's the collective efforts of Lodi's residents working together that define its character, build its
culture and shape its future.”
Bill Moersch, President CommUNITY Service Team
For the 3rd year the CSTeam will once again be bringing the Lodi community together to serve lunch every Saturday in 2025 at the Lodi Access Center.
2025 Calendar click HERE!
Please contact Bill Moersch for more information.
Project Results
* Saved $30,000 in food expenses.
* 800 volunteers.
* + 10,000 meals served.
All donations go into our community to real people with real needs. Nobody gets paid at the CommUNITY Service Team, we’re all in this together in UNITY for our commUNITY.
* To donate on automatic-recurring, monthly basis click HERE.
* For a one-time donation click the following "DONATE HERE >" button.
Since its establishment in 2018, the CommUNITY Service Team has contributed over $200,000 to the Lodi community and provided opportunities for more than 6.500 volunteers to serve.
* Organized & hosted lunch every Saturday at the Lodi Access Center for 2 full years.
* Saved $30,000 in City of Lodi Access Center food expenses.
* Created a pathway for over 800 people to serve in Lodi.
* Served over 10,000 meals to those experiencing homelessness in Lodi.
* 180 Teen Center Wednesday Dinner Service @ 1/mo. for 1 year, $2,750
* 4th Saturday Grocery Giveaway Breakfast @ 1/mo. for 1 year, $3,250
* 6 years of serving dinner the 1st & 3rd Friday of every month at the Salvation Army Hope Harbor.
* 20 years of Friday Morning Men’s Life Group + breakfast / every Friday 7:00am - 8:30am. @ 1/week.
* Salvation Army Hope Harbor Garden project. 1/yr. for 6 years. $1,200.
* Salvation Army Hope Harbor Christmas Party. 1/yr for 6 years. $3,000.
* Salvation Army Annual Lobster Feed Service Team. 1/yr. For 6 years. 105 volunteers.
* $51,500 - The City of Lodi / Lodi Access Center.
* $21,500 - Fundraised and Distributed to Lodi nonprofits & organizations.
* $14,500 - Salvation Army, Hope Harbor entry way & dining room flooring replacement.
* $10,000 - Salvation Army of Lodi.
* $10,000 - Grace & Mercy entry ramp upgrade project.
* $5,000 - Grace & Mercy Charitable Foundation.
* $5,000 - Grace & Mercy storage upgrade project donation.
* $5,000 - 180 Teen Center.
* $5,000 - North Carolina post Florence hurricane relief fund. 9/2018
* $3,800 - Salvation Army Hope Harbor complete lobby bathroom rebuild.
* $2,600 - Grace and Mercy operational donation.
* $2,500 - Grace & Mercy complete the north patio rebuild project.
* Donations, support or projects of $2,000 or less value are all listed below.
* Fundraised $11,000 during Annual fundraiser
December 2024.
* $2,500 - Outreach Ministries International / Lodi Access Center.
* $1,500 - Salvation Army of Lodi, Hope Harbor.
* $1,000 - Lodi City Police Foundation / Volunteers.
* $1,000 - Agape Love.
* $1,000 - Lodi Committee on Homelessness.
* $1,000 - Directions Medical Clinic.
* $500 - Lodi Tokay Rotary.
* $500 - Kiwanis Club.
* $500 - Lodi Rotary.
* $500 - Sunrise Rotary.
* $500 - Sidewalk Angels / purchased 25 Ponchos.
* $500 - At The Well Ministry.
* Celebrated 100th Saturday lunch service at the Lodi Access Center.
* Cooked & served final lunch at the Lodi Access Center for 2024. 50lbs. of tri-tip +. $425
* Organized & hosted 6th Annual Salvation Army Hope Harbor Christmas Party. $350
* Note: Bill Moersch, CommUNITY Service Team President awarded the 2024 City of Lodi Mayor’s Community Service Award.
* Brokered bread distribution into the Lodi community by Bread of Life.
* Organized & hosted 16th Annual Turkey Sandwich Motorcycle Run.
* Donated 3 pop-ups to the Bread of Life Stockton Grocery Giveaway.
* Distributed 5 cases of See’s Candy in Lodi.
* Scoped & planned for the Bread of Life Clothing Closet project.
* Brokered bread distribution in Lodi for the Bread of Life Food Bank.
* Funded, cooked and serve dinner at the 180 Teen Center. $235
* Table host & donations at the Salvation Army Kettle Kickoff. $500
* Donated $250 to the 180 Teen Center Thanksgiving Dinner.
* Funded, cooked and served breakfast at the 4th Saturday Grocery Giveaway. $280
* Funded, cooked and served lunch at the Lodi Access Center. $215
* Attended Lodi Mayors State of the City. $130
* Donated $1,500 to LOVE LODI.
* Funded, cooked and served lunch at the Lodi Access Center. $215
* Donated $250 to Walk 4 Water in Lodi.
* Funded, cooked & served breakfast at the 4th Saturday Grocery Give Away. $265
* Funded, cooked and served lunch at the Lodi Access Center. $215
* Funded 1 year subscription to Zoom Workforce for the Lodi Committee on Homelessness. $95
* Served dinner at the Salvation Army Hope Harbor. 12 volunteers
* Funded, cooked and served breakfast to 125 people at the 4th Saturday Grocery Give Away. $250
* Funded, cooked and serve dinner at the 180 Teen Center. $235
* Awarded Certificate of Congressional Recognition.
* Awarded San Joaquin Board of Supervisors Certificate of Recognition.
* Funded, cooked and served breakfast to 135 people at the 4th Saturday Grocery Give Away. $250
* Funded, cooked and serve dinner at the 180 Teen Center.
* Donated1,000 hot dogs & waters to the 2024 Lodi National Night Out. 500 to 1st Baptist Church & 500 to Vintage Church.
* Funded cooked & served 500 hot dogs, chips, cold pops and waters at the 2024 Lodi National Night Out. $565 / 11 volunteers.
* Donated 500 Hot dogs, buns & waters to Salvation Army of Lodi.
* Donated $300 to Love Lodi for backpack giveaway project.
* Donated $100 to Inner City Action for Lodi Access Center operations.
* Funded, painted and brokered furnishings for Salvation Army Hope Harbor office. $265
* Donated $100 scholarship for trip to Mexico for High school student.
* Project managed tile work project at Salvation Army Hope Harbor kitchen & shower.
* Funded, cooked and served breakfast to 120 people at the 4th Saturday Grocery Give Away. $250
* Funded, cooked and served lunch at the Lodi Access Center. $235
* Funded, cooked & served Wednesday dinner at the 180 Teen Center. $225
* Brokered 3 large coffee pots for the Lodi Access Center.
* Lodi Access Center shelving LOVE LODI project. $500
* Cross painted at Faith Community Church. $75
* Funded and cooked breakfast at the Saturday Food Give Away. $235
* Planted garden at Salvation Army Hope Harbor. $235
* Replaced hinge on Inner City Action’s grill.
* Funded and cooked 9 spiral cut hams at the Lodi Access Center Easter Celebration. $375
* Purchased an Easter Bunny suit to use at the Lodi Access Center Easter Celebration. $90
* Purchased socks & underwear for a guy in the hospital. $55
* Funded and cooked breakfast at the Saturday Food Give Away. $205
* Donated to Bread of Life Food Bank. $250
* Secured an electric organ for a musician at the Lodi Access Center.
* Donated to Bridges & Breadcrumbs ministry. $500
* Funded, cooked & served Wednesday dinner at the 180 Teen Center. $225
* Bread of LIfe Food Give Away Saturday Breakfast. $275
* 1 Vintage Church Men’s Retreat Sponsorship. $200
* Sponsored 2 men @ Missionaries to the Drug Addicts. $200
* Salvation Army Annual Dinner Silver Table Sponsor. $500
* Hope Mission, Empty Bowls Fundraiser Silver Sponsor. $350
* Cooked 30 racks of ribs and 60lbs of chicken for the "Love our Clients Valentines Day Lunch at the Lodi Access Center. $75
* Lodi Committee on Homelessness education. $750
* Funded, cooked & served Wednesday dinner at the 180 Teen Center. $250
* Funded & cooked breakfast at the Vintage Church / Bread of Life Food Giveaway. $245
* Donated $1,000 to the 180 Teen Center.
* Donated $1,000 to the Lodi Police Community Liaison.
* Donated $1,000 to the LOEL Center.
* Donated $500 to the Lodi Committee on Homelessness.
* Donated $500 to Agape Love.
* Donated $275 to Lodi Tokay Rotary.
* Donated $275 to Lodi Rotary.
* Donated $275 to the Sunrise Rotary.
* Donated $275 to the Kiwanis Club.
* 3 Full Bedding sets for the Salvation Army Hope Harbor. $225
* Instigated, marketed and hosted lunch at the Lodi Access Center every Saturday during 2023. Recruited local volunteers to fund, cook and serve complete lunches services. The project results saved the Lodi Access Center over $13,000 and created pathways for 375 people to serve over 4,500 meals.
* Purchased paper products, sugar & tea for Hope Mission. $350
* Funded, cooked & served 40lbs. of tri-tip for the Lodi Access Center 2023 Christmas Party. $375
* Hosted Lodi Mayor Lisa Craig and City Counsel member Ramon Yepez to serve for the CommUNITY Service Team at the Lodi Access Center 2023 Christmas Party.
* Provided the Santa suit for the Lodi Access Center 2023 Christmas Party. $95
* Awarded $1,000 grant from Lodi Tokay Rotary for Homeless Court education to be used by the Lodi Committee on Homelessness.
* Purchased large commercial coffee pot for the Lodi Access Center. $158
* 108 pairs of men’s underwear for the Lodi Access Center.. $214
* Toys to give away at both the Inspire Coffee & Faith Community Church Youth Toy Drives. $250
* Purchased Inspire Coffee gift cards to donate and give away. $50
* Brokered donation of 12 foot Christmas tree to the Lodi Access Center. $750
* Donated to the Lodi Access Center Parade of Lights Float. $150
* Donated to the Salvation Army of Carteret County Kettle Fund. $250
* Contributed 8 pies and 5 bags of Zebra Popcorn to the Lodi Access Center Thanksgiving lunch event. $125
* Donated Men's underwear and socks to the Lodi Access Center. 210
* Donated $1,000 to Hope Mission of Carteret County.
* Funded cooked and served lunch for 200 local youth ministry students from eight churches in Lodi at Lodi lake. $425
* Hosted Stockton Mayor Kevin Lincoln, Lodi City Council members Lisa Craig and Alan Nakanishi and the Lodi Community Development team to serve lunch at the Lodi Access Center. $350
* Coordinated and hosted 15 students from Lodi Academy to deep clean Salvation Army of Lodi, Hope Harbor dining room. $250
* Purchased table at the Salvation Army Kettle Kickoff $280
* Brokered donation of 90 chairs to the Lodi Access Center. $2,250 value
* Hosted Congressman Josh Harder to serve lunch provided by the CommUNITY Service Team, get a tour of the Access Center and meet with the Lodi Community Development Manager John Della Monica and the Neighborhood Manager Jennifer Rhyne to learn about the future of the Lodi Access Center. $375
* Spoke at the Lodi City Council meeting thanking the City of Lodi for doing such an effective job of addressing both addiction and homelessness in our community.
* Funded, cooked and hosted Point Loma University students to serve dinner at the Lodi Access Center. $245
* Funded Salvation Army Hope Harbor Community Garden and hosted it being planted by Point Loma University students. $265
* Planted peppers in the Lodi Access Center planters. $40
* Purchased plates, cups, napkins, toilet paper and coffee for the Lodi Access Center. $695
* Donated $100 in Gift Cards to Salvation Army Golf Auction.
* Purchased plates, cups, napkins, utensils and serving gloves for the Lodi Access Center. Partnered with River Rock Church. $455
* Created and ordered wristbands saying “I AM IMPORTANT, LOVED AND WANTED - Ephesians 3:16-21” $155
* CommUNITY Service Team was approved as an authorized affiliate of 2nd Harvest Food Bank.
* Installed window tinting & other work at Grace & Mercy.
* Created & ordered wrist bands to give away featuring Proverbs 27:12 & the Principle of the Path. $110
* Painted benches, curbs & parking spots at Salvation Army in Lodi & served lunch at the Lodi Access Center during Love Lodi. $350
* Donated a large Whiteboard and Annual Planning book to the Lodi Access Center. $175
* Coordinated, and Hosted tours of the Lodi Access Center for over 450 people.
* Funded, cooked and served 30lbs. of spiral-cut ham for the Easter Celebration at the Lodi Access Center. $375
* Purchased main course foods designated Saturday Lunch at the Lodi Access Center service groups. $650
* Donated to At The Well Ministry. $200.
* Christian Motorcycle Association donation. $100
* Submitted & oversaw 2 Love Lodi service projects. $450
* Donated gift cards for community service & outreach. $500
* Donated and cooked Tri-tip and chicken for the Faith Community Youth - 180 Teen Center Fundraiser. $250
* Salvation Army Annual Dinner table host. $500
* Agape Love Fundraiser donation. $500
* Purchased 65” TV for Salvation Army Hope Harbor. $150
* Cleaned gutters, a yard and removed trash for a family of a friend who attended the CSTeam Men’s Life Group and recently passed away.
* Lodi Access Center - 1 month of mealtime paper products $150
* Funded & cooked 45lbs. of tri-tip on the Holy Grill for the Lodi Access Center Christmas Eve Luncheon. $375
* Purchased a Santa Suite for the Lodi Access Center Christmas Eve event. $85
* 4th Annual Salvation Army, Hope Harbor Christmas Party. 65 in attendance. $350
* Served dinners at the Salvation Army Hope Harbor 24 times in 2022. 155 volunteers
* Held 48 Friday Morning Men's Life Group gatherings + breakfast. $325
* Held sing-alongs and delivered food to the Marengo Men's Homes.
* Organized volunteers and served at the Salvation Army Warehouse. 27 volunteers
* 4th Annual Salvation Army, Hope Harbor Christmas Party. 65 in attendance. $350
* Lodi Access Center Security Platform build project. $450
* Brokered donation of hand sanitizer and hand wash to the Lodi Access Center. $350 value
* Responded to being asked to help with lunches at the Lodi Access Center. $225
* Coordinated Vineyard Christian School students, Parents, Grandparents, and grandkids to volunteers. Served 70 people. $225
* Donated Christmas Tree to Salvation Army, Hope Harbor. $225
* Donated a Security wand to the Lodi Access Center. $85
* Coordinated 12 volunteers and served at the Salvation Army Annual Lobster Feed.
* Donated 6 boxes of Miller hotdogs to Agape Love ministry.
* Donated Blower to Bread of Life n Stockton. $225
* Instigated Faith Community Youth Group garden clean up at the Lodi Access Center.
* Salvation Army Kettle Kick-off table hosts. $350 +$500 donation
* Cooked Miller's hot dogs at the Salvation Army dinner. Fed 150 People.
* Helped organize, plan & fully cater the Meet, Greet & Eat community awareness event at the Lodi Access Center. Fed +650 people. $850
* Donated $200 and cooked lunch for VMTC Ministry national training event.
* Coordinated 20 volunteers for orientation at the Lodi Access Center.
* Donated $400 to Directions Medical Clinic to help underwrite the 2022 event.
* Lodi Access Center opening day donation. $1,500
* Lodi Access Center coffee pot $110, women's socks and deodorant. $155
* Galt High School Football fundraiser. $100
* Salvation Army Golf fundraiser. $750
* Fundraised $1,800 from a Tri-Tip BBQ event.
* Planted the annual Community Garden at Salvation Army Hope Harbor. $125
* Coordinated both new soil and vegetable donations by RJQ Landscaping
* Bid on and won a wooden Salvation Army flag and donated it to John Narvaez the Salvation Army, Hope Harbor Director. $250 (Flag made by Norm Worthen)
* Sponsored a table at the Salvation Army Annual Dinner. $500
* Faith Community Youth fundraiser for the 180 Teen Center - funded all proteins & provided the Holy Grill to cook. $450
* $2,000 to Salvation Army
* $1,500 to Grace & Mercy
* $500 to Directions Medical Clinic.
* Coordinated and facilitated the 4th Annual Salvation Army Christmas Party. $450
* 4th year coordinating 15 volunteers for the Salvation Army Lobster Feed.
* Directions Medical Clinic - Holy Grill use & BBQ sauce donation. $90
* Victorious Ministry Through Prayer convention tri-tip lunch catering. $225
* Faith Community Church Youth Service Project / Home cleanup and landscaping.
* Community Garden hose replacement. $35
* Salvation Army Kettle Kick-off table hosts. $200
* Salvation Army Lobster Feed underwriting donation $500.
* Salvation Army Culinary towels donation $65.
* Grace & Mercy Golf Tournament sponsor $1,000.
* Hole Sponsor and the 2021 Salvation Army Golf Fundraiser $1,000.
* Purchased "Action Bibles" for the Salvation Army to give away to kids $250.
* Held several Salvation Army Men's Life Groups dinners and Life Group curriculum review meetings in the park, $300.
* Catered and provided food + using the Holy Grill at another Habitat for Humanity of San Joaquin County customer service appreciation event. Partnered with Grace & Mercy Foundation for food.
* Funded and helped plant the annual Community Garden at Salvation Army Hope Harbor $120.
* Facilitated and hosted another Cornhole, SlamJam event and BBQ event for the Salvation Army men / review class material. $175
* Supported Habitat for Humanity of San Joaquin County by catering the "Thank you for helping us build homes, communities and hope" BBQ.
* Served and supported Salvation Army in partnership with Grace & Mercy to serve dinners for 2 weeks.
* Organized & facilitated the 4th Salvation Army Christmas Party $500
* Purchased socks, gloves and caps to distribute $250
* Partnered with 3 other non-profits for a Hot Dog fundraiser for the Llonas family in Lodi $5,000 raised.
* Donated $150 to Llonas family whose son died.
* FCC / Axis Church Keurig coffee pot donation. $85
* Habitat for Humanity of San Joaquin County ReStore Clean Up Project / 22 volunteers.
* Grace & Mercy Foundation - Provided The Holy Grill at 5 events & helped raise $21,000 towards the purchase of a walk-in freezer and operational expenses.
* $1,000 donated to Grace & Mercy to start the fundraiser with the Holy Grill.
* Purchased food and clothing for the homeless over by the Armory in Lodi $150
* The Ricardo Project. Fundraiser and delivery of clothing & necessities to Ricardo a homeless gentleman in Lodi $500
* Purchased Peoria Cooker / "The HOLY GRILL". Privately funded.
* Purchased 100 cup coffee pot for Grace & Mercy $130
* Purchased 25 Life Recovery Bibles for Freed by faith $300
* Salvation Army Christmas Party. 67 men, women and families at Hope Harbor .
attended. We sang, ate pizza & wings, played BINGO for prizes, gave gifts and shared
what we are thankful for. $175
* 18+ Bell Ringers for the Salvation Army.
* Morengo Men's Homes Christmas Party. Bingo & gifts. $300
* 7 Salvation Army men serve breakfast at Faith Community PJ's & Pancakes.
* 11 serve at Lodi House cleaning, building and large dump run & lunch @ IN N OUT $145
* 15 people served at the 2019 Salvation Army Lobster Feed.
* New Salvation Army Hope Harbor Dining Room wall art work $350.
* Purchased new 55" TV $400
* $1,000 donation to Church Planter / Pastor from Avanos Turkey .
* Sponsored 2 men to Gravity Men’s Retreat $320
* 2019 Sponsors for the Habitat for Humanity golf fundraisers $750
* 2019 Sponsors for the Salvation Army golf fundraisers $750
* An average of 15 Salvation Army men attend Sunday services at Faith Community Church.
* 9 Salvation Army men were baptized and celebration. $125
* 2019 Salvation Army Golf Tournament sponsor $1,500
* Adult Teen Challenge, Ceres California. Biblical life-skills training and recovery education classes & “Guardrails Series” CD donation. $75
* Planted Community Garden at Hope Harbor $100
* 5/2019 / Salvation Army Hope Harbor east wall community graphic by Daniel Bryant.
* 2019 Love Lodi / Painted the entire dining hall at Salvation Army, Hope Harbor $450
* Teen Challenge of San Joaquin donation $1,000
* Purchased 4 cases of NIV Study Bibles. $400
* Salvation Army Annual Event sponsor & donation $1,000
* Morengo Homes CD Song Disk set replacement / extension cord. $150
* Salvation Army Men's Christmas Party 2018 $500
* Salvation Army Kettle Ringing. $850
* Salvation Army Kettle Kick-off fundraiser. $1,500
* Salvation Army Annual Lobster Feed service team / 15 volunteers.
* Salvation Army Golf Tournament sponsor. $1,500
* 9/8/2018 13 local projects needing over 80 people for the
Love Lodi projects.
* Habitat For Humanity Golf Tournament Silver Sponsor. $1,000
* Salvation Army Men's Christmas Party 2017. $450
* Salvation Army Women's Cubby build project for the women's entry. $350
* Lodi House Clan up project. $225 / 13 volunteers
* salvation Army Hope Harbor garden rebuild and plant. $350
* 2 CommUNITY Service Saturdays in 2017 serving PRC of Lodi, Lodi House, Salvation Army and other Lodi needs.
There was a lot more but we just can't remember 'em all? Things like years of funding, cooking food and organizing Church in the Park, years of Friday Night Strike trips to the Tenderloin area of San Francisco, many LOVE LODI events, Lodi clean up days, Non-profit service days, helping the elderly, needy and other community service.
The 2024 Lodi Mayors Community Service Award was presented by Lodi Mayor Lisa Craig-Hensley to the CommUNITY Service Team President Bill Moersch. 12/18/2024
A community service project where the CommUNITY Service Team lived out it’s mission by instigating, organizing and managing 52 consecutive Saturday lunches funded, cooked and served by volunteers saving the Lodi Access Center over $13,000 in lunch expenses and allowing over 350 volunteers to serve over 4,500 meals.
The CommUNITY Service Team thanks both the City of Lodi and Inner City Action for allowing us to do this. We are also thankful to the Lodi community for stepping up to partner, serve and support the Lodi Access Center. Everybody won.
9 Salvation Army guys baptized!
Salvation Army Hope Harbor dining room wall painting project
Grace & Mercy Patio Project
Salvation Army Lobster Feed 2018
The CommUNITY Service Team was inspired by the Great Commission’s call to “go and make” a positive impact in the community God has entrusted to us. Founded by Bill Moersch, who has dedicated decades to ministry and service in the Lodi area, the team originally began as a way to connect men in service, fostering fellowship and unity as "The Church." However, with a growing number of eager and committed volunteers and an increasing need for support in the community, this mission rapidly gained momentum. Today, it has evolved into an inclusive platform welcoming anyone with a heart to serve and make a difference in Lodi.
Bill Moersch, Founder & President
Phil Tirapelle, Vice President
Jean Moersch, Treasurer
Chuck Deeter, Secretary
Norm Worthen, Director
Tony Devlin, Director
Nick Nunez, Director
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40
"Even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19-20
Generosity is not what we do, it's who we are.
See the need, meet the need.
What does love require of me?